Talking Dogs Scentwork®

pet dog trainer

sweet Nettie in the cowslips

10 ways to improve your mechanical skills in dog training

Did you know that in large part, dog training is a mechanical skill? With my 10 ways to improve your mechanical skills your dog training will be more efficient, and more effective. There are many factors involved in the physical execution of how you train your dog. And by this I’m talking about how quickly

10 ways to improve your mechanical skills in dog training Read More »

two dogs in the golden hour

What most people don’t realise about online training courses

What most people don’t realise about online training courses is that you can use them in your offline training too. As UK lockdowns continue to ease, in-person training is returning. Outdoor workshops, classes and private training sessions resumed earlier this year. But now we have the prospect of getting back to business as ‘usual’ with

What most people don’t realise about online training courses Read More »

top pro trainers tips

My top twelve professional dog training tips. And why they work.

My top twelve professional dog training tips – and why they work. Secrets of the trade. Put it this way. Have you ever wondered how a professional trainer can instantly make your dog look like an obedience champ while you struggle to get her to do the simplest sit? This can be both inspiring and

My top twelve professional dog training tips. And why they work. Read More »

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Get 30 Days of Hides -free!

Run out of ideas of where to hide your dog’s target scent? Looking for inspiration? Stop looking – I’ve got the solution. New hides every day for 30 days. Plus advice, tips and variations for all scentwork levels.

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